Thursday, February 01, 2007

I've reached my techie limit

It's sad to have to admit this, but I actually don't know everything when it comes to technology.* I confess to you all that I don't know the bloggy ettitiquette for responding to comments. Should I sent you each a personal email? Respond in the same comment section? Or, respond in the comment section of your blogs? What I really want to do when I receive any of the lovely comments I've gotten is to call you up immediately and start chatting. But, that would be wierd, eh? To receive a call from some strange blog-woman? So, any ideas? What would make Emily Post more happy? For me to respond to your comments on your blog or on my own blog?

Meanwhile, this new obsession of mine is getting worse. I finished my fetching mittens and started the matching scarf (2x2 ribbed). Those mittens were my first KIP (knitting in public) project. During my doctoral program's week-long residency, I had plenty of time to waste just waiting for classes to start, for breaks to end, for people to stop lecturing. These mittens were the product of putting those wasted minutes to great use. My idle hands are not the devils tools anymore, no siree! Oh, if you look closely, you can see a peek of my First Ever Scarf. Can you tell what kind of stitch I used?

* In other techie news, last night I got to play around with iChat video chatting for the first time! It's like all those science fiction stories have come to life. Am I the biggest dork that I'm still excited that I had an online video chat with people in Michigan over 24 hours ago? This must be so old hat to everyone else, but I just want to hug my computer.

This last shot is a special treat for my dear sis. Don't I look swell on two wheels?


Anonymous said...

Your fetching gloves are gorgeous! I wore mine today -- you'll see them when you come visit tomorrow. I also have a knit-related present for you!

Anonymous said...

Hello Erica

Great gloves! What brand yarn did you use?

Toni (also blogless)