Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Queen of Sheeba

This post was meant for Valentine's day (or week), but late as it is, I still thought it worthwhile to post.

Astute observers of this blog will notice that my blogger profile lists one of my favorite films as The Long Hot Summer. Besides being an opportunity to watch Paul Newman, it's a little movie with lots of fodder for great quotes. Other astute observers of this blog will remember that I absolutely enjoy spouting off movie quotes in normal conversations even though I never have enough opportunities.

So, that leads to this quote. In the movie Paul Newman/Ben Quick has been pursuing Joanne Woodward/Clare Varner. This is her response.

"Mr. Quick, I am a human being. Do you know what that means? It means I set a price on myself, a high high price. You may be surprised to know it, but I've got quite a lot to give. I've got things I have been saving up my whole life, things like love and understanding and, and jokes and good times and good cooking. I'm prepared to be the queen of Sheba for some lucky man, or at the very least the best wife that any man could hope for. Now that's my human history, and it's not gonna be bought and sold, and it's certainly not gonna be given away to any passing stranger."

I don't know if ya'll think I'm being sappy or naive, but I've like to think that I can identify with that quote (especially the first half).

Anyhoo, gotta get away from sappy topics and back to textile-related convos.

All I have to show today is my latest little WIP. I need a small wallet to organize gift cards, library cards, credit cards, etc. and being the DIY-er, I thought I'd make one.

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