Thursday, April 03, 2008

I have finally lost it

It's been sooo long since I've last posted (August 2007!) that only a post so amazing would allow me to come back into the blogger universe. Well, I may have one.

These look like normal lemons, right? I seem to have an unlimited supply of them since my fiance's family has a whole tree of them in their backyard and I can't just let them fall to the ground unused. No, I must find uses for every single lemon from that tree. Well, a girl can only eat so much lemon curd and lemon meringue pie takes so long to make. So, I present to you, my dear faithful readers, my latest idea!

Lemon Underwear soup!

Word is that lemons have great whitening power and I just happen to have a small pile of whites that could use some whitening. So into the heated pot of water and fresh squeezed juice of about 15 lemons went my dingy whites.

And, just in case you doubt my lunacy, look closely at the above picture for the Jockey tag. Yeah, there is no hope for me now. I'm definitely going to regret having restarted this blog aren't I?