Tuesday, April 03, 2007

Look Ma, no hands! or Head. or neck.

So, check out the progress I've made on this here Hourglass Sweater! Both sleeves are attached and I'm making my way up the yoke. I'm amazed at how much I'm learning about garment construction during this project. Though I already knew a bit from sewing several outfits in the past, this new process of knitting fabric that'll then become the sweater gives me plenty of time to analyze the construction of the garment.

This next shot is completely unrelated to knitting, but I was testing out my fancy new lightbox ala Splityarn and these giraffe wandered over and asked for me to take their portraits. They look so sweet don't they? But, I'd watch out for the guy in back with the glint in his eye.

1 comment:

lisaneuen said...

You are hilarious! I love your giraffes...