Sunday, March 25, 2007

And the last shall be first

They say that in order to keep the attention of fickle readers a writer should lead with the most important or interesting part of the story. So, for those readers I haven't already lost, I present to you my weekend ... backwards.

9:30pm Sunday: I finished this little art quilt.

I don't know about ya'll, but all throughout my life, whenever I find myself doodling in the margins of a notebook or on scrap paper, I frequently notice that I either have sketched a boat on the ocean or a bunch of rolling hills. So, I had this idea to finally preserve in fabric one of those doodles. All of the fabric here came from the scrap basket and I just cut and sewed blue, purple and green fabrics until it felt ocean-y enough. This little fella measures about 8"x10" and will soon hang above my home desk.

7:00pm Sunday: I sewed up curtains for my bedroom.

Anyone who's read my past posts will surly remember that I recently moved into a cute upstairs apartment with window seats in the bedroom. I do have mini blinds, but really, how attractive are those? What I needed were some adorable linen cafe curtains to block out any possible Peeping Toms but keep in the tree views. These linen curtains do just that. And, they included the kind of flowering garden that I don't even have to water. Mark down this project as a total success!

Oh, if Lisa and Chip ever read this, yep, this is that orange velvet chair you gave me. I'm taking that thing with me everywhere I move. Don't ya all just love that bright color?

And for Mom: Yep, these colors are very bright. Yes, I think I can still fall asleep knowing that bright oranges and reds are only a foot away. :)

5:00pm, Sunday: Finished new ironing board cover.

If ya'll had ever seen my old ironing board cover, you'd recoil in horror over the discolored and dirty fabric. So, using the wonderful tutorial over on The Purl Bee, I repurposed an old twin bedsheet that I wasn't using anymore. Voila! (sorry no pics. Use your imagination here).

8:00pm, Saturday: Ate Mexican Mix-Up on this dining table for the first time in several years!

Several years ago, this dining table was stripped of its dining duties and assigned double-duty as a computer desk and sewing table. Well, I finally created a new computer desk (pics to come some other day), so I was able to confer back upon this table the sophisticated task of serving as a dining table (and sewing table on occasion). It appears to like this new assignment, no?

Every other waking moment:
I made great progress on the Hourglass Sweater. At about midnight on Saturday, I attached the first sleeve to the sweater's body and started knitting the second sleeve. I expect to be done with that this week. Add another week or two for the yoke and neck. So, barring any serious frogging, I hope to be done in a couple of weeks!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love the art quilt! I love the curtains too, but that quilt is the greatest! You make me want to pullout my fat quarters!