Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Christmas Repast

I have been a bad blogger. I made several gifts this Christmas and either forgot to pics of them or took the only pic of them with a cell phone camera. Quelle horrer!

To start appeasing my dear readers who deserve lots of pretties to look at, I bring you the following (and more pics in future posts).

1. Since no one related to me ventured to my home this season, here's the first obligatory shot of my Xmas decorations. Yeah, the walls really are a textured yellow. Not my choice and I'm not allowed to repaint.

2. A gift for my mom. It turned out a bit narrower than I was hoping for. But, that's what I get for not measuring before cutting. I really need to get away from treating purses like scrap quilts. Purses really do look better if you measure and draw the pattern beforehand.

3. Finally, gifts for my staff. I work in a pretty small library (8 full time staff) and I wanted to make everyone something this year in addition to the usual giftcard. These are little felt ornaments in the shape of our college initials. Cute, no?

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